What is the CBCA?

The CBCA (Clayton Business and Community Association), formed in 1984, is a non-sectarian, non-partisan and non-profit 501c(3) community organization made up of local residents, business entities, and those who wish to serve the Clayton community. The CBCA is independent of the City of Clayton, California.

What does the CBCA do?

Members share a common desire to improve the quality of life in the Clayton community and surrounding areas through local activities, fundraising events, charitable donations, social networking and monthly meetings.

How can I get involved?

Membership is open to people with a residence in or near Clayton and those employed or conducting business in or near Clayton who wish to serve Clayton citizens. This is a great way to meet your neighbors and give back to the community. Without commited members and volunteers, the CBCA would not be able to accomplish our goal of giving back to the community.

If you cannot join, we are always looking for volunteers to help at our events.